Our Current Issue [Goodies]

Our goodies page is our favorite hiding place for really neat things we think you'll fall in love with. Planning a shoot sometime soon? Decide which lenses to bring using the handy-dandy depth of field calculator below! And check this page again soon. You just never know what's coming next!

Depth Of Focus Calculator
The Spectacular Tool for Photographers and Cinematographers
Required Data:
Focal Length: (mm) Circle Of Confusion:

To calculate the depth of focus please enter distance and T-Stop: To calculate distance and T-Stop please enter a minimum and maximum focus. For Infinity please enter 'oxo' or a number larger then 999
Distance: (m or ft) in focus from: (m or ft):

T-Stop: (e.g. 5.6) in focus to: (m or ft):

If you get no result when clicking the button - please check that your browser supports JAVASCRIPT and that it is activated
"Depth Of Focus Calculator" - JavaScript (c) 1998 by Uli Schmidt (bvk) [http://www.moviecam.de/]

Keylight Communications   T: 416.968.7175  F: 416.923.9238 E: keylightcom@sympatico.ca U: www.keylight.org